Wait on the Lord. He knows what you need.

He will give it to you just in time. Wait on the Lord.

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

They shall mount up with wings as eagles. Wait on the Lord.

song by Joyous Celebration – Wait on the Lord

Monday, 4th November 2019
Time: 7:30am

S: …What was today’s sermon about?

P: Praying persistently.

P: It Was taken from Luke 18

P: Where the Widow wanted Justice and Fair Trial from the Unjust and Wicked Judge…

P: She Persisted until She was Granted Justice

S: Oooouuuu yeah. That.

S: I really like that story (PS: check out Lk 18:1-8 for the story)

P: Nice

P: I love that Story too

P: We must not relent in Prayer no matter the circumstances surrounding us…when God wants to Act, He does it speedily. No matter the situation, When God decides to Act; it’s so swift

S: Yeah

S: I believe that

S: We just gotta wait

….But do we?

 Do we really wait? Do we want to wait/ Do we really believe? I often don’t. If God acts swiftly, why can’t He act now? Why won’t He act now? Now is the time I know I need it.

When we realize “how time flies” Don’t we want to fly in line with time?

Our thoughts crying, “A stitch in time saves nine, Lord! Make hay while the sun shines. It’s almost night.” “I don’t want to be left behind.”

“My blessing must be on time.

My healing must be on time.

My marriage, my work, money, EVERYTHING must come through…On time. In my time”

P: Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, Until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for The land to yield its valuable crop. Patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm because the Lord’s coming is near…

S: I love gardening. It teaches you to wait.

P: This scripture does not only encourage us to Wait on the Second Coming of Christ but also to Wait on Our Expectations after we have Prayed. The Farmer is a Perfect Example for Waiting on God for the Right Season.

Sigh. I guess he’s right

Have you ever seen a farmer dig out the seed he planted?

His beans not seen in ten?

His peas not seen in thirty?

His trees in two seasons?

He will wait.

Won’t we wait? Even if the time has elapsed for germination.

Won’t we wait? For the mystery of the seed’s transformation into a beautiful sprout from faith.

Won’t we wait? For the Designing Master to break apart and bring life out of our seed.

We should wait, because we are not responsible for the growth, but the wait.

We water and wait

We feel the sunshine and wait

We pull weeds and wait

We look and wait

We listen and wait

We pray and wait

We wait and wait

….then wait!

We see it. What we longed for, hoped for, prayed for. Trusted Him for.

The bud that breaks the surface of the earth. Eureka!

The bud that encapsulates the beauty of our faith. That Paul planted, Apollos watered, but Jesus Christ gave life, growth and reward. Selah

S: God is faithful

P: Always

S: He better come through for me

S: Because this girl is just about digging out the seed

P: He will always come through for His children

P: Don’t dig out the seed just Yet…

P: Help is on the way

P: Psalm, 117:1-2, “Praise the Lord, all you nations; Extol Him, all you peoples. For great is His love Toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures Forever. Praise the Lord.

S: Praise the Lord

S: Thanks P

S: Glad I had this conversation


He knows what you need and will give it just in time. This track is so groovy. Enjoy!

2 Replies to “When-All-Is-Topsy-Turvy (WAIT)”

  1. Still haven’t quite got the hang of this waiting thing I’ve been around a lot of “patient” people (or at least that’s what they were called…Patience),I guess not enough of thier virtue rubbed of on me,because I still have a problem with waiting. May God grant me the grace.

    1. Grace upon grace. Sometimes I am at my wits end too. But the good thing is that God sends help. It may be a word. A friend. Etc. And it encourages us to keep waiting.

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