Tomorrow never comes happens to be the title of a James Bond movie I watched many years ago. For some reason I cannot comprehend, this title has stuck with me since. I do not recall the plot of the movie, but the title, I cannot forget. It fits perfectly with what is laid on my heart to write.
The destination of mortal life is death. Everything else is an experience.
We often find ourselves living with the expectation of a certain destination in this world. For some, it is a dream job. For others, the woman or man of their dreams. Yet again, others, a big project. A business; career; education; children. The list is endless and different for each person.
We are a species of tomorrow. Focused intently on “brighter lights at the end of tunnels”. Focused on what we are yet to achieve.
But you know what? Tomorrow never comes. Wishes and wants do not end. The eyes see. The ears hear. The heart perceives. The hands reach out in desire. Wanting. Wanting. Wanting what is next. Eventually, we become trapped in the rut of tomorrow. And a tomorrow-focused heart misses out on today.
To live with the expectation of a certain destination is not wrong in itself. What we need to understand is that the destination is composed of the actions of today. Then again, we often err on what our true destination is. However, I will not discuss that today.
The greatest man I know (Jesus of course) taught us to pray, “Father, give us today our daily bread”. All we need is bread for today; the important actions we must take today in order to make tomorrow a worthwhile tomorrow.
Life is not promised tomorrow. Our lives can be lost suddenly and in the most unexpected way.
Living “in” today seems myopic, however, we will find that it will bring us the opposite effect of peace, joy, and gratitude. We will value moments we actually are privileged to have. We will learn to value the seconds, minutes, and hours, and with those with which we are presently privileged to enjoy them.
The world teaches us to chase our dreams. The thing about dreams is that you wake up to realize it is all a dream. You were the main character in a sub-plot of the main plot. Completely oblivious to the stage you should actually be on. Behind many faces plastered with smiles of achieving a dream, are realities of sacrifices and costs many will not share but cannot deny they would rather not have made. The world reminds me of the first time I discovered the sign, “For credit, come tomorrow” in front of a shopkeeper’s store, it was such a funny light bulb moment. Because like the world, the shopkeeper never intends to give you credit. You will keep paying today for what you will not have tomorrow.
What we are chasing after is definitely moving away from us and not towards us (Think about it. That is the reason why we are chasing.) By the time the chase is over, we will be an exhausted, sweaty mess. So many things would have whizzed by in a blur as we chased. Whether we would catch, is not guaranteed.
The world shifts so much that nothing is really grasped. The physical is even more elusive than the spiritual.
Imagine that you only had today to live, what would you do differently? How would you give? Into a life in need today or a fat bank account for tomorrow? How would you treat people? Would you forgive the friend that offended you? Would you reconcile with the lover that hurt you? Would you spend time with that person you care for but believe you would see tomorrow? What are you postponing for tomorrow that should be done today?
I was a victim of tomorrow. I lost the last moments of my mom’s life when I said these words, “I will check up on her tomorrow”. I guess I learned…
I am not here as an angel of doom and gloom.
Indeed, it is good to plan. It is great to envision a beautiful future. We can have things we wish to achieve. We may or may not achieve those aspirations. However, by tomorrow, would we be at peace about how we spent today? Our lives really are composed of our yesterdays and today. Tomorrow is elusive. At the end of the road which is (mortal) death, will your life have been spent chasing or living?
Every moment until you take hold of a dream is what we must cherish. For history has proven that a dream, if achieved, is not as satisfying as the journey if we valued the journey. Better even, I wish not to chase a dream. I search for reality. Searching demands a critical acknowledgment and examination of all and everything around me.
I would recommend to you the best reality to search for. That is Jesus Christ. It is only in finding Him that we immediately attain; we continually attain each day with what we have attained and, attain the final and true attainment at the end of mortal life with our first attainment. Beautiful indeed. You can’t lose with Him.
In Him, we learn not to devalue today’s moments in exchange for earthly achievement. He teaches us how to do it.
In Christ, we truly live.
There is always something we want to achieve, pretty soon we realize that the wanting never ends and the stop to it is death. Often, that realization comes too late for many. For the one who receives Jesus Christ, He or she knows that the greatest achievement has already been received. Jesus Christ. The end of mortal life is not an end, but rather, a glorious continuation.
You can assuage the tomorrow syndrome by the realization of the truth of cherishing today. The truth of contentment. This comes from knowing Jesus.
I am so glad that I have achieved the greatest reality this early in my life. I am 30 years today and ecstatic to have spent it with Christ. I am glad and absolutely grateful for today. For this cold morning in Aberdeen. For the opportunity to write this at this very moment while listening to a beautiful song by Jervis Djokoto (I am actually listening to Cece at this moment. I was listening to Jervis during my first edit. Final edit is in silence). I am elated that Jesus loves me today. I am thankful for the people I love and those who love me. I am grateful even for the people who hate me and give me the opportunity to divinely love.
For if I have not tomorrow, today, may I live the best way possible.
Sharing all the music that ministered to me as I wrote this piece.
God bless you for adding to the peace and comfort of this world. Your words will speak after many generations. You are a blessing and may God continue to use you to touch many lives and especially those who can’t do without your help. God bless you Step..
Your words encourage me each time I read. I pray you continue to be a ready writer pouring out to bless us.