When I survey the wondrous Cross on which the Prince of Glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, save in the Death of Christ my God: All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his Blood.

Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my Soul, my Life, my All

Isaac Watts – When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Over the years I have learned a lot (Disclaimer: I haven’t lived that long though. lol)
I have become a better person. And like fine wine in the Lord’s celler of exquisites, better and better with passing time.
But I still strive for “best”.

Paul prayed in Ephesians chapter 3: 19 that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Every day, I decide how much more of me I want to give away for more of God in me. And this is not to say I do not have the fullness of God in me. I do.  However, it boils down to manifestation. And by this, I mean, demonstrating the fullness of Him who lives on the of inside us. Living the reality of the New Life.

As we grow in the Father, we let something go to take another from Him. We relinquish “me” for “Him”. 

To become a different you, there needs to be an emptying and then a filling. Not the kind that leaves a vacuum but rather the kind that replaces the pre-existing.  
I lose a piece of me and gain a piece of Him.

  • My selfishness for His Selflessness
  • My wants for His contentment
  • My sadness for His joy
  • My heaviness for His praise
  • My sinfulness for His righteousness
  • My abandonment for His hope
  • My turmoil for His peace
  • My hell for His heaven

Steadily, I lose myself

So we let something go as He fills the void
We shed off the old and take on the new
We expose darkness to His light.

It is just as trapped bubbling water, you have to make way for it in you; a spring welling up on the inside of us; the Spirit of God. We must allow Him to bubble from the inside of us and take over our existence.

Let the scale tip in His favor.

Let God conquer your life’s territories. At every stage, it gets harder but it’s also easier (yeah I know that is confusing. But think about it). The act gets harder, but so much more, the grace abounds.

In the same chapter of Ephesians 3, Paul shows us the how of being filled with God’s fullness.

  • That we will be rooted in God’s love
  • That we will comprehend its height, length, width, and depth.
  • That we will know the love of Jesus

The extent that we desire God’s love, determines how much more of ourselves we are willing to let go of. The experience of His love pushes us uninhibited over the cliff of surrender. And rather than fall, we soar.
We become stagnant because we halt the love experience. Then a murky pool; a muddy puddle; a dried crust. We cannot take or give up more. We lose our desire, our zeal, and our love. 

We need to continually experience the love of God. Continually watered. A flowing clear stream.

Let this be our prayer, “Father, let me not be satisfied with where I am. I want to continually want You. I want to want to be with You as much as You want to be with me.” Until like Paul, we feel like prisoners for God, locked up in a cell of love so satisfying, we don’t want freedom from it.

You need to feel like you just cannot escape God because your heart just doesn’t want to. It takes faith to believe how much God loves us. 

Good, better, best. May I never rest. Until my good is better and my better, God’s Best.

Let Go, Let God.

3 Replies to “Me Less, You More – (For I decrease that You may increase)”

  1. I particularly like this statement: “The extent that we desire God’s love, determines how much more of ourselves we are willing to let go of.”
    It is my hope that at the end of the day, we bring ourselves to love God so much that there is little of us left and more of Him

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