My hope is built on nothing less but Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, His blood, support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.
When He shall come with trumpet sound, Oh, may I then in Him be found; In Him, my righteousness, alone. Faultless to stand before the throne.
On Christ the sold rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.
song by Edward Mote – Solid Rock
Before I begin this post, I would want to put forward that none of the words I speak are intended to condemn anyone, it is definitely not to vilify the subject of my write-up or others who may be in a position such as his. It is to encourage soldiers in the faith battle. A poke at the enemy because he has to know we are not shaken by his machinations. And a morale boost for those at the precipice of doubt. Hang in there, please.
Now to the issue at hand. I have recently discovered the proliferate news of Christians falling away from the Faith. This is even observable among those considered to be active Christians in the eyes of the public. It may possibly be that due to the age of technology and social media, such news are easy to find or easy to hype. Perhaps, faith falling believers are losing the battle to doubt and unbelief. It is however worthy to note that the many Christians still holding on to Faith hardly makes the headlines, which leaves me wondering about the news. That would be another subject for another bright day. The news I mean.
Anyway, the bible tells us in 1 Timothy 4 that in the last days, many shall fall away from the faith, chasing after the false doctrines of demons (paraphrased). I am inclined therefore, to believe that the fulfillment of scripture is the phenomena playing out before our eyes. And Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 that it is only going to get worse as lawlessness increases and love for Him grows cold.
A quite recent and sad fall away is bestselling author Joshua Harris. If the name sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because you may have read one of his very popular bestselling books. “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”. I recall getting a copy of this book in the university but unfortunately, I never went beyond chapter one (1). (Very typical of me and books in the university. 🤦🏾♀️ Aside my textbooks of course) Anyway, now I wish I did make time to complete the book because, he has completely renounced that book and the doctrines espoused in it, leaving my curiosity at its peak!
Joshua, as the media puts it, has kissed Christianity goodbye. Definitely not a bestseller if you ask me. Although saddening, it is not surprising as well. Why do I say this? Joshua was a baaaad guy in school……. lol. Just kidding. Gotchu. Didn’t I?
In the wake of the news on his departure from the Faith, I have encountered various articles and thoughts on his actions. Some have lauded it (mostly unbelievers) and others condemned it (often time Christians). There are also those trying to answer questions like I am doing right now.
What sucked about the whole situation was how the people of the world rejoiced and wrote articles to celebrate his falling away. And for many such breakaways similar to Joshua, the world happily welcomes such into their fold. This is expected even though it sucks.
In a battle between two very opposing sides, a win over of a defector is a glorious celebration. Christians are joyful when a soul is won from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Christ and in the same reaction, the world is too. The world feels a justification in the win of a Christian who has lost faith. Technically, we don’t consider a loss, what was never ours, but let me not get ahead of myself.
For the Kingdom of Christ, anyone who falls away from the faith presents no surprise to the brethren. Although, the world finds it an extraordinary feat, the Faith community takes it in stride through prayer and the word. We look to Jesus Christ, our Head, to find answers. In prayer, we do our part to rein in that person to whom Faith is seemingly lost.
Christ always gives answers through His trusted word and I found the answer in this.
Jesus had with Him twelve disciples. The famous Peter, James and John, among others, and the infamous Judas Iscariot. Now mind you, by this scenario I am about to expatiate, I am in no way making Joshua Harris a Judas character nor am I condemning him to the fate of Judas. No way. I am rather drawing your attention to an expected reality of which the world is surprised, but the Christian should not. Certain Christians get surprised or shocked into unbelief when such things happen. But let us be of the mind not to question our faith based on seeming ardent believers who fall away.
In fact, in some years from now, if you find that I have fallen from the faith (which by God’s grace I hope never to) it should in no way cause you to question whom you have believed in. I recall hearing Dag Heward Mills (Founder of Light House Chapel International Church) say in one of his sermons, a statement that stuck with me. He said (paraphrased) that if he falls sick and even dies from it, it will not stop him from believing that God is a healer. It goes with the bible text in Job 13:15(a) that says, though He slay me, yet still shall I trust Him. Our faith should be uncompromising in the face of all circumstances. We should not practice conditional faith. It is expedient to build a rock solid faith. That solid rock to build on is Jesus Christ.
Sand building believers find their faith collapsing in the storm of world events, personal tragedy, worldly desires, false doctrines etc. For some, the next point of call becomes the denouncement of the Lord Jesus Christ and the existence of His Father. Unfortunately, this happens out of overlooking the rock solid foundation freely given in Jesus Christ.
So please follow me with this illustration as we try to place a right block on a right foundation. Now, back to Jesus Christ and His disciples.
Judas (is carrot as we say in jest) was a disciple of Jesus. Note that by disciple, he was not just a part of the throng that followed Jesus. He was neither a part of the seventy extended discipleship team Jesus sent out. Nor was he even just a random self appointed follower of Jesus. Judas was a member of the Twelve. Carefully, handpicked by Jesus. He walked with Jesus throughout His three-year tenure of ministry. He went where Jesus went. He heard what Jesus taught. He ate and drank with Jesus. He slept where Jesus slept. He had an important role in the team as a money keeper. The minister of finance if I might say. He was friends with the other eleven disciples. They had fellowship together with Jesus. All of them.
But Judas kissed Jesus goodbye in the Garden (lool. sorry, I couldn’t resist the pun). He invented the metaphor “kiss of death” when he offered his Rabbi to be murdered for crimes He did not commit at a bribe of 30 silver pieces. Contrary to what everyone may have seen of Judas ardently following Jesus, his secret foundation on which he was building was money. Someone whom he had called Master and Teacher for three years, he gave up for some coins.
Look. There are so many people who are seemingly walking with Jesus but have hearts far away from Him. They may seem to be doing the works, singing the songs, writing the books, going to church, hanging out with other Christians but have hearts far way from Him. Judas literally followed Jesus everywhere He went but figuratively followed his selfish desires.
When Judas betrayed Jesus, it did not in anyway undermine Jesus or the work He came to do. On the contrary, Jesus had the upper hand all along. He did what He came to do on earth and that was to save mankind from eternal damnation through his death on the cross. Even if Judas chose to exclude himself or not, Jesus’ work for which He was sent by the Father got done. For as the one (1) chose to perish, remember the other eleven (11) chose to live. Jesus was not surprised at Judas’ antics. Christ has always had the victory and the upper hand.
The world feels justified in its standpoint of faithlessness simply because a Christian has lost faith. But, the thought that a believer falling away from the Faith undermines it is flawed thinking. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is built on no other foundation but Himself. The firm foundation. Unshakable and immovable in its purpose to save the souls of men. A win for the world it may seemingly be but not in the greater scheme of things. Who knows? The apostate may never have been Jesus’ in the first place. Why? Jesus said that anyone given Him by the Father, He shall never lose. And I tend to believe what Jesus says. Check out John 6:39.
Are we apathetic to the fallen one, not at all. For even as that soul remains on this earth he or she may very well belong to the Lord. He alone knows those that are His. What we do is pray.
The truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom is singular and unshakable in spite of those who truly believe and those who do not. The very gates of hell cannot contend with it. Why? Hell cannot contend in a war already decided. Jesus won. If you must know.
What are my sentiments toward Joshua because he really got be putting my thinking cap on. I pray he would search for truth. When we lose our way, it doesn’t spell doom for us. When we have doubts, it doesn’t align us to condemnation. Rather, it begs us to really find that which is true. Re-affirm faith. It begs us to dig even deeper.
Someone else failed Jesus too. Peter did. He swore and cursed himself in denial of any relation to Jesus. Three solid confident times, he said in no same words, “Who the heck is Jesus. I have no idea who He is. I have not even seen Him before.” But the difference between denier (who even swore to Jesus he would not deny him) and betrayer, was repentance. Peter made a choice not to entirely give up on whom he first believed, leading him to become the legendary Peter we know. The story was not so for Judas. He only saw his mistake. His way out; a noose by no other hand but his own.
The reality is that the Lord knows those that are His. I don’t. No one knows but He who searches the heart. No one can be forced to believe in Him as Truth. Joshua cannot be forced, I cannot be forced. You cannot be forced. Nobody can be forced. We are only graciously chosen to choose Him.
As you read this, if you feel a nudge in your heart to surrender to this truth, at this moment, forget about the extraneous factors of who does or does not believe in Him. Focus on this.
Jesus is the only Way, the real Truth and the real Life. Absolutely, no one comes into reconciliation and eternal fellowship with the Father except by believing in Him and His finished works on the cross. He loves & calls you.
That is the Unshakable Foundational Truth of the FAITH.
Bless you for this. This message should reach a lot of people, in particular, Christians who are at the crossroad.
Listening to him. I have realized there are so many things the church has overlooked, and the devil is using them as weapons.
A reason we must be preaching Christ.
#personal moral views
#the world moral views
#the church moral views