Hallelujah! I am not alone
He’s my comfort, always holds me close.
song by People & Songs – Psalm 23 (psalm originally written by David)
David is just like that “crif” (Ghanaian jargon for church fanatics) guy in school. When I say crif, I don’t mean the noisy gongs and clanging cymbals who declare, “Lord Lord” with their mouths yet their hearts are far away from Him. (see: 1 Corinthians 13:1, Matthew 18:8). My definition of crif is someone who has a sincere love for God in his heart and is not afraid to let the world know he believes in Jesus.
So David was usually apart, alone but not lonely. The people in his world were fighting wars, David was fighting ferocious lions in the wilderness and tending sheep. He was doing the unpopular job while his brothers (he had seven brothers) played “hero” soldiers in the army. He was an outcast, unrecognized and almost forgotten.
The world thought David was missing out on life. He wasn’t part of the popular crowd. He wasn’t doing a prestigious army job. He didn’t have the physique and the popularity. He wasn’t his father’s favorite. He was just that guy no one really thought about.
Only God saw the ferocious animals he fought in the wild. Only God saw how gently he tended the sheep. Only God heard the beautiful lyre he played. And only God understood the beautiful psalms from David’s heart. God was there the whole time.
If you haven’t figured it out already, I am speaking of David son of Jesse (in those times they weren’t given surnames lol). The guy who became king of Israel. He was also the ancestor of Jesus Christ. He also wrote some cool books and songs. Lots of people reference his books nowadays (and he wrote them over 2,000 years ago). He was a popular instrumentalist that got hired by King Saul of Israel to play music in the palace. His music was driving away evil spirits too. He killed some terrorist giant called Goliath. The guy’s C.V is no joke. And I haven’t even scratched the surface.
Yet there was a time when no one knew his name. No one cared about him. No one looked for him. No one regarded him. He wasn’t king material. He was the last born after seven brothers. Can you imagine trying to outdo seven older brothers? Lol.
But God knew his name. Even David testified in one of his songs that God knew him and knit him in his mother’s womb. Cool right? The Bible says in the book of Samuel, not in the exact same words that God saw David in his small corner and asked Prophet Samuel to go and find him and anoint him as king. When Samuel got to David’s house and saw the “macho” guy who was David’s older brother Eliab, he thought that was David. Samuel thought to himself,”kw333 b33ma nie” (meaning, wow, this is a man).
But God said to Prophet Samuel in these exact words, “Do not look at his appearance and stature, because I have rejected him. Man does not see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart”. Someone shout hallelujah! Because this text is too deep. What!
Now David was not some “ugly” guy, don’t get me wrong. The bible says that David was handsome with beautiful eyes. Such a dreamboat. Lol. But two things played out here. God saw that David’s heart was dedicated to Him. David sincerely loved Him. David was after His heart. And God couldn’t resist a heart searching for Him. The emphasis here is that David didn’t focus on his external looks and neither did God. God wanted David and David wanted God. David searched for God, and God found him. God chose David and David chose Him.
You might be thinking that you are all alone but that is not true. God is there with you. He sees you. No one may regard you. It sounds cliché but it is actually what your reality is. But listen, your perception of loneliness is a mirage, the reality is that you are not alone at all. The Bible says, “do not weary in doing good, for at the appropriate time the Lord will reward you.” It was the same with crif David. God glorified him for his faithfulness in the most secret place. His heart.
That same God who exalted David is the same yesterday, today and forever. Never changing. He sees you. He loves you. He has you covered.
You really gotta check out the track below. Click and be encouraged. 😀
Great Read;God bless you
You write beautifully . Don’t stop
Wow. I am so blessed by this piece. you do have a great writing skills. I am proud of you. keep it up.
Bless your heart, sis
Powerful. God bless you.
Amazing piece Steph – keep writing ! God bless you
I will Desha
I will Desha. God bless you too