Have you ever been stuck at the place of guilt. The place of weak will. To live your own selfish life. But at the same time, you know you don’t belong there. You’ve got to leave your Gomorrah.
The Objective Veritas – Jesus Christ
What is the truth that transcends all generations no matter the shifting shapes of time? Jesus makes it clear.
When You Know, You Know – No Doubt “Abarrit”
God is inspiring. He inspires me everyday. Every morning, He has a word for me that tells me the right way to go; either to the left or to the right.
The Ultimate Beast-Master: Running by Faith
The commentators called his decision a chess move of chance. I called it faith. He took a leap of faith.
Secret Hiding Place: A Bunny Found His. Have You?
We want to escape the world through the things of the world yet we become lost in the instability it gives us and the circles it throws us into.
Not By Bread Alone
Something we need to take note of is that the snake is very deceptive. His job is to twist the true picture of any circumstance if it makes God look like the bad guy.. He is good at it.
Tomorrow Never Comes. Grateful for Today.
I am so glad that I have achieved the greatest reality this early in my life. I am 30 years today and ecstatic to have spent it with Christ. I am glad and absolutely grateful for today.
The Heart Investment (…the dilemma of making one of life’s crucial decisions)
I seek not man to invest this heart. I seek man rather to spend the profits of my love. I place no high expectations on any flesh. I rather rely on the place divine.
Born Again-Makeover Edition (The analogy of the renovated wheelbarrow)
Too often, we second guess ourselves and our worth. He saw how imperfect we were “before”, yet He gave us a “now”.
Stew or Righteousness
We have an eternal inheritance! Righteousness! We cannot exchange it for the flimsiness of temporal bowls of stew which have great instantaneous taste. No lasting flavor.