We have dived into yet another year. I recently did a lot of reflection as urged by a good friend – No pressure please – It was my first time. I must testify, however, that it was golden. Definitely worth a try if you’d ask me. If he’s reading this, no gloating, please.
As I surveyed the wondrous cross… sorry, I mean, as I surveyed the tall list of 2021 to-dos presented by this session of reflection, I wondered.
- Whether it is worth the trouble;
- Whether I have what it takes and;
- My motivation in light of weaknesses and past failures.
I looked at little me and considered if my talents and gifts were big enough. Would it not be much easier to go with the flow? Do the usual? Just like everybody else? It would take some sacrifices. It would take an extra mile. An extra minute on my knees. Less time with my TV. Fewer moments with the “commandos” of my dramatic dreams. More time seeking the nectar for my beehive. Taking intentional, purposeful steps to work out my gifting.
I love this parable of Jesus’. It addresses a dicey issue in the walk of Mr. Christian. It turns out “Mr. Christian” is me. Should I align with the feminists and say, “Miss Christian”?
Jesus answered my questions 2021 years ago before I got the chance to ask them. How can you not love someone like this?
This is how it goes. (Jesus beats Shakespeare by far. Or, am I biased?)
A Master was preparing to embark on a journey. In his preparation, three persons (lead actors of this movie) were handed the possessions of their Master. They each received talents. To each one, a measure was given. Five, two, and one. Actually, I have wondered about the unequal allocations. Why? I have some theories.
- Random allocation. This reason is far unlikely especially considering the outcomes of the assignments made.
- The Master very likely knew the extent of their abilities. Consider this, the one who manages his servants knows their potential. This Master knew his servant’s strengths; He knew their weaknesses; He knew their zeal.
The bottom line was the fact that each person was given a unique gift. Unique, in differing quantities, I say. Agree or disagree?
I believe that to each ability, he gave a talent. That was the Master’s wisdom and his money. So, technically, he gives as he wills. I can’t take him to court on that one.
You can call what he gave to them an investment, seed money, capital, whatever. He entrusted a piece of his business to each. They were no more than servants.
By doing this, the Master trusted these servants to be good custodians of his gifts. In each of them, He placed an expectation. His expectation was that they equally cared about his business. It was an opportunity to share in his estate by giving them shares. And as it is required of any fiduciary, a profit was in order.
After a long journey, the Master returned. The next thing on the bill? Accounts. The three servants lined-up, ready, to do just that (well, I think they did or, perhaps, they were seated).
The first presented a profit of double what he had. The second, double of what he had. The “double-double” song by Uche is dedicated to these two servants.
The third servant gave an excuse and a cheeky answer. Now, this third servant just blows my mind. So I really want to dissect his psychology.
First of all, he was given one talent. Therefore, we can conclude that he received the least responsibility. Secondly, remember that the Master, in wisdom, accorded to him per his potential. Yet, the servant dug a hole and buried the talent. Bruh! Like I said, mind-blowing.
I discovered a treasure in an article written by Stephen Bainbridge, titled “The Parable of the Talents.” In his article, he states that it is was actually considered the right thing in Jewish custom to bury one’s money. Burying valuables was considered the best safe-keeping method from potential thieves. A thief would have to labor to steal your money in your absence. Lol.
Anyway, the Master wasn’t impressed with the servant. Think about it. If he wanted to keep his money safe, he could have buried it himself! Instead, he chose to entrust it to his servants. Why? To work and return a profit.
Jews believed in maintaining the present value of their estate yet, the Master wanted to add value. A revolutionary idea; an increase of his domain. And this grand revolutionary plan involved his servants. Wow, what an honor! However, he was sorely disappointed by the one he gave the least responsibility.
The servant chose the effortless, easiest, and laziest action. He was ungrateful. He was obviously dissatisfied with the talent he was given. Mind you, the value of a talent is equivalent to 35 kg of silver (see picture above). Scholars value it to be about $1,000 to $30,000 in present value terms. The Master did not scrape from the bottom of his barrel but gave a significant part of his wealth. However, the servant didn’t consider it worthwhile to expend any profitable effort. He probably asked himself, “What the heck am I going to do with this when he has so much?”
I am convinced that if it was the servant’s personal property, he would have put it in a bank. I know I won’t put my cash under a pillow when I could get a little profit from it in a bank. Would you? You would even risk it with Menzgold (Not intended to revive wounds from monies lost in the Menzgold brouhaha).
The one-talent-servant belittled the gift he was given. He missed the revelation that “one” in his hand was equivalent to the five in the hands of another. He had only to treasure, do his best with it, and be rewarded for his faithfulness. Instead, he saw his generous master as an ungrateful cheat. How sad.
This servant demonstrates our attitude toward our “talents” sometimes. We lose sight of the value of what the “Master” has entrusted with us. We look at other works, compare them to what we do and, belittle ours. But, comparing ourselves amongst ourselves definitely isn’t wise (2 Corinthians 10:12). Someone may be on a worldwide stage. A known name on every tongue yet, miss out on the profit. You may never be known, but you will hit the mark the master expects of you. Your faithfulness with what you have been given is all that counts. Whether with five to make five more or one to make one more. Like the last servant, we sometimes make excuses to cover up the real problem. We don’t cherish what the Master has entrusted us to do. So we find ways to blame him instead of renewing our minds.
But in remaining so narrow-minded, we miss out just like the third servant on the bigger vision he had for those servants. To give them an estate they did not deserve. The Luke version of the story states that the master gave the faithful servants townships to rule. He rewarded them exceedingly, simply, for doing their jobs. The unfaithful servant paid dearly for his disdain. He lost even the little he was given and got thrown out of the Master’s house. A double loss. (Is the double-double song applicable here, or am I kicking a fallen man?).
Now, back to the misgivings, I had of myself. Yes, Steph!
It is worth all the trouble and effort; I have what it takes; The Master has ensured supply. He already knows my weaknesses and failures yet, has given me the tasks. I better get to work.
Dear one. The person or persons telling you that you do not have what it takes are false. That includes yourself. If you tell yourself that you don’t really have anything worthwhile to do for the Master, then resign from that lie and employ yourself in the truth.
This I have learned, Your one, two, or five is significant in the kingdom business. Don’t be found doing a penny less.
The excommunicated servant is proof of that.