Yesterday the sky was bright and clear
I could see the sun and I could hear this song.
Faith flowed like a river free and deep.
Grace was not so hard to be believed.
But that was yesterday.
What was close enough to touch now seems a world away.
So what about this day?
song by Stephen Curtis Chapman – This Day
Seasons. Beautiful. Unique. A Phenomenon.
Somewhere, someone wakes to a frigid January morning. Thousands of miles away, another wakes to the dry gusts of the East harmattan winds.
In no time, snow melts to beautiful spring flowers. Winds flee in the wake of refreshing rain.
Whether the seasons be four or two, we cannot deny presence or effect.
The hint of spring’s early blooms and the sweet smell from first drizzle of rain ignites hope in hearts dreary and scorched by the aftertaste of the previous season. The vivid colors of summer’s flowers which fall to call forth the bite of winter’s winds. The sign of beautiful beginnings, sad ends and vice versa.
Humanity has learned how to enjoy and endure each season…
The tan from summer’s sun; The grays of July’s rains; The fall leaves from autumn’s tall trees; tell the character of each season.
We weather the seasons…
Some days in cold, others in warmth. Sometimes bone dry, other times sopping wet. We fight not the seasons, for come they shall. We protest not the seasons, for in the flow of earth’s movement they demonstrate right balance.
Each season has its story…
Ask yourself. What story has this season for me? What message presents the changing times? Man seeks understanding of seasons and times. For it impacts the existence of those who have had its experience. Cold reminisces warmth. Heat reminisces coolness.
Each season demands its actions. Every age unique in its requests…
Shall I learn to build a hearth when it is cold? Must I plant a tree in time against the blast of summer’s sun? What expected action?
To build or destroy. To plant or harvest. To sleep or wake. Long nights or days. To weep or laugh. In hunger or satisfaction. With many or alone. In plenty or want. No actions should be misplaced.
Wisdom is key to fully embrace the changing seasons…
So I weep not when I should laugh. So I reap not when I should sow. So I sleep not when I should wake. So I retreat not when I should advance.
…Wisdom for the seasons…
Whence shall I find this wisdom? From whom shall I hear it? Who knows the past, present and future? Who has such hindsight and foresight? Who knows today from yesterday and tomorrow from today?
…Only God can see that far away…
He sees the future’s present past, the past’s future present, the present’s past future. He alone sees the past’s present future, the future’s past present and the present’s future past. Don’t try to wrap your head around it. Only God can see that far away.
Though I gree the seasons carry me, I fault to depend on the flow of phenomena. Why respond to effect over cause? Why not lean on designer than design? From thence comes wisdom.
My arms are open wide to the seasons…
Today, a gentle breeze on my face as I stare at the setting sun. Tomorrow, an unmerciful iceberg sinking my boat at dead of night.
Yet, I have learned that with precious wisdom telling the wise whispers, the seasons will carry than destroy. Like a sturdy old oak of experience; an immovable mountain of strength. As ever present seas weather the weathers above ruin.
…Wisdom is key.
So, what say you, season? What secrets do you hold? What unexpected, unpredicted action? What habitual ways am I familiar?
I have the key to remain serene. Wiser with passing years. Enjoying the every encounter. Taking the long strides of time, till last season is mine.
I welcome the adventure.
Authors Note
Happy New Year Dear Reader.
Thank you for taking this tentative journey with me this year. For spending time to enjoy with me this treasure I have. This journey started very daunting, yet has ended with boldness from the Lord. I hope you have been blessed.
The craziness of year 2020 is beyond words. The losses, we mourn. The victories, we also celebrate. In all things we rejoice in the Lord.
Indeed we enter this new season with much confidence. Not in ourselves. But in Christ Jesus who is our wisdom.
We embrace the new adventure together.