God is God and I am not.

I can only see a part of the picture He’s painting.

God is God and I am man.

So I’ll never understand it all.

For Only God is God.

song by Stephen Curtis Chapman – God is God

The world would so quickly blame God for the things wrong with it.

The world would blame God for the actions of man rather than man for the actions of man.

The world would rather deny God credit for good yet quickly credit man for it.

The world would blame God for His supposed inaction and blame Him for His actions too.

The world doesn’t want to be controlled by God but accuses His lack of interference.

The world would rather blame God for the sickness in the body of a man rather than the man in charge of his own body.

The world would rather blame God for the ones born “imperfect” and ignore those born “perfect”. But wait a minute. It is man who looks on the outside and determines who is perfect. God looks at the heart and searches for perfection there.

The world would blame God for the nimble athlete paralyzed by the car accident rather than the careless driver.

The world would rather blame God for the sad plight of the innocent abused little girl rather than the evil inclinations of the pedophile who heartlessly abused her.

The world would blame God for hunger and starvation when man selfishly stores up wealth and watches his neighbor starve.

The world would blame God for inequality when man bends another under the whip of dictatorship and tyranny.

History has never seen an atomic bomb drop from the heavens nor biological weapons sprout from the ground.

Why is God blamed for the chaos in the world when the active participant is man?
Why is God blamed for the hurricanes and floods when man blows billows of C2O into the atmosphere like chimneys from the 18th century; melting the ice caps in Antarctica like butter in a hot pan?
Why is God blamed for the wars and deaths of millions when men pick up the guns to fight and put refugees to flight.
Why do we blame God for the unfairness in the world when we are the ones doing it to each other?

Isn’t that unfair to God?

We would rather God be blamed and the world absolved from every wrong, yet, the world would take credit and God discredit for every right. If God is to blame for all the wrongs in the world then surely every good is also to His credit. Or?

Why would we deny God His existence because of how wicked man is?

How about the time He said do not steal? How about the time He said do not kill? How about the time He said do not covet? How about the time He said love your neighbor? How about the time He died for you so that you could be a different, better you? For that is what a good God that exists would do. He would tell you the right thing to do. He would show you the right thing to do. He will make Himself an example to you. Literally. So that our world can be perfect as we want it to be.

But the world would rather not listen. The world would rather not see. The world would rather not do it. The world would rather not believe. Instead it would choose to go after its own way. Steal. kill. Covet and Hate.

In the wake of indulgence in the carnality of true nature, and the fruits of carnal ways have yielded in the chaos that is our world, the most calculated worst of it all is executed. The world credits all the wrongs to God’s bank and blames Him for the negative returns. Wow, we love to play the blame game don’t we? But like Ola Rotimi stated, “The ‘gods’ are not to blame.”

Do you believe that our innate man is capable of goodness? Do you sincerely believe in a default state of good in man? Do you believe that the voice deep inside of man wants to unselfishly put someone else first rather than “myself”? “You” instead of “me”? Hahahahaha. Hilarious. Do you absolutely believe that the nature of man is love? Then why can’t man just be man? Why is it so hard to be ourselves then?

Maybe, finding an alien from outer space is a crucial turning point for humanity. For the alien will objectively examine the issues from an external point of view and let us see the folly of our flawed logic.

I always say to the God critics.
If God be a fickle of my imagination then I would make that imagination my reality for without it where is the good in me?

Would I rather deny God and place my hopes and faith in a man I so clearly see is flawed in too many ways?  Full of injustice?

You may say that the devil I know is better than the angel I do not know. Thank God I don’t have to believe that. Because man says so. I would say the angel I know is better than the devil I know. For I know this God. I know that He is good and the reason for any goodness in me; He is the reason we glimpse any iota of good in this fallen world. The only source of light in an ever darkening world. The only source of hope in an existence yoked with despondence.

I’ve trusted and tested and tried Him. I’m done playing the blame game and surrendered.

Please, leave me be in my “fool’s paradise” for I would rather have the foolishness of God than the wisdom of earth’s wise.


What convinces you that God exists or not? Share in the comment section below.

I have loved this one for the longest time. Enjoooooy.

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One Reply to “Let Us Put the Blame on God. Shall We?”

  1. I think I should say the answers to my prayers brings me to such an awareness of God’s existence. I get so awed by how He even answers them so much that sometimes when He does answer I get so surprised that He would

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