I’ve been changed, healed, freed, delivered
I’ve found joy, peace, grace and favor.
All my shame, guilt, sins, they’ve been forgiven
No more chains, fear; for my past is over
song by William McDowell – I won’t go back
The analogy of the renovated wheelbarrow.
I really wish that there’s a “before” photo to match the “after” photo of the wheel barrow in the picture above. It will be the perfect picture with that addition. The name on the wheel barrow will be explained in the story I’m about to tell in the next few minutes.
Believe it or not, that wheelbarrow which we will call J.B (Jollof’s Barrow abbreviated) has been sitting idle in the front yard of my house for the past three years. It was given to us by a neighbor but, we completely ignored it because of its broken wheel. It has sadly endured all the elements of the weather and all too many unfriendly conditions. Stricken by sunshine, beaten by rain, cold to touch, scorched by heat, eroded by sea salt (I live by the sea), coated in dust, assaulted with trash. Subsequently, its coat of paint peeled, it lost its shine, and gradually deteriorated into a rusted, dilapidated mess. It has escaped the garbage van more times than I can count despite the numerous times we decided to trash it.
-Fast forward to April 2020-
We decided to start a house garden and an essential equipment was a wheelbarrow. Once again we remembered this abandoned ruin. Yet again, we decided it was finally time for it to go. “Trash the old, in with the new.” Yet, somehow a renovation of J.B was suggested and agreed. J.B was thrown into the bucket of my dad’s pick up. It went on a trip to the metal worker and the vulcanizer. To receive preliminary work. A change of wheel and tyre pump.
Then the real work began. Getting the rust off. I can say without exaggerating that it took about 2 to 3 hours for me to polish J.B. All the accumulated rust, dirt and old paint needed to be completely stripped off with sandpaper to reveal the clear metal underneath all the grime. The dust was cleaned off and new paint applied. Then viola! I got what you see in the picture above. A wheelbarrow that looked nothing like what it used to be. Abet you would buy it in the market without knowing that it was a rusted, condemned barrow destined for the dump. However, it is now a polished, black and beautiful, functional barrow fit to work in our house garden.
The interesting thing is that I was so proud of how transformed the wheelbarrow was that I wanted to place my identity on it. I wanted everyone to know just what I had been through to transform the wheelbarrow. I wanted people to see, “Jollof’s Barrow” and ask how the wheel barrow came by that name so I could share with them. Like I’m proudly doing now hahaha. Seeing that barrow everyday pleases me so much. I don’t dwell anymore on how it once looked. I’m so glad about how it looks now with my name on it. And I am looking forward to using it in my garden.
Of course this led to a revelation. Duh! Trust me, God uses everyday things to speak to us always, always, always. So keep your ears open to Him at all times. Anyway, I said to myself, ” If I imperfect Steph, believe I have the right and I am so eager to place my name, my seal or stamp on this wheelbarrow which I made anew, how much more God?” The work God has done in transforming our lives is far more exceedingly greater and perfect than what I did to that Barrow. He places His stamp of righteousness and perfection on us. The seal of His Holy Spirit.
If I felt such a deep sense of pride and joy toward J.B, how much more does the Creator and Savior of our lives feel much more holy pride and joy in transforming the lives, destinies and existence of mankind. He took our rusted lives, cleaned all the dust and grime and polished us. He made us brand new. Pause and reflect.
I was so pleased and eager to use the barrow because for it I gave of myself. My energy, my time, my sweat, my dedication. How much more is God pleased with us whom He has born again. How much more is He pleased to use us. He is exceedingly pleased. Glory be to God!
Mr. Mrs. and Miss Wheelbarrow. God is so proud of you as His handiwork. He loves you so much and wants to use you. If you didn’t go into the trash when you were dirty, rusted and dilapidated, you will definitely not go in there now that you’re made anew. Roll in that confidence.
Sometimes J.B gets dirty from all the work it does. I make it my priority to make sure it’s clean and in proper shape for work. As we give ourselves over to the work of Jesus, we get messy sometimes, but the One who made us anew has made it His responsibility to ensure that we are in the best shape for work.
Too often, we second guess ourselves and our worth. But we forget that He saw how imperfect we were “before”, yet He gave us a “now” in spite of all the bad things He saw. Our focus therefore should be on the opportunity He has provided for us to give ourselves over to Him completely. To be a part of the Faithful in His vineyard.
What am I saying in all this? You belong to God, the One who renovated your life and made you a totally different person the moment you believed in His Son Jesus Christ. You are worthy to be boasted of. I tell you, He has written all about you in His book, the Bible. You are the proud handiwork of God.
Isaiah 43:1-4. But now, God’s Message,
the God who made you in the first place, Jacob,
the One who got you started, Israel:
“Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you.
I’ve called your name. You’re mine.
When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.
When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.
When you’re between a rock and a hard place,
it won’t be a dead end—
Because I am God, your personal God,
The Holy of Israel, your Savior.
I paid a huge price for you:
all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!
That’s how much you mean to me!
That’s how much I love you!
I’d sell off the whole world to get you back,
trade the creation just for you. Amen.
PS: My nickname is actually Jollof. Lol. So that explains the name on the Wheelbarrow. The origins story of the name will come later. If you ask in the comments though I will share ;D
I want to here from you. Comment down below. Share. Subscribe to spiritawakenings so you’ll be first to hear. Shalom!
Great. 👍
God bless you steph. Our Lord is proud of us.
Yes He is
This was a long one my dear, but very interesting, it’s always great to read what you write, God bless you and may he continue to give you the wisdom to continue writing.
Amen. Looking forward to always sharing with you by His grace the wisdom He gives me.
I really love the analogy and wish you all the best in your writings. We’re accepted by our father in heaven.
Great piece sis. The scripture and analogy blessed my heart. Thank you for sharing. I’m also interested in how the name jollof came about lmao!
Lol. Okay. Here it goes. As toddlers, anytime my brothers and I misbehaved, my dad would say “gyae roff no wo ho” (meaning stop messing around over there). We heard this all the time (because we were usually messing around. lol). Anyway, as a child, because I usually heard this, I tried to say the same thing too. However, instead of “gyae roff” I said “jollof” and my dad has called me that till this day unfortunately or fortunately, I don’t know lol. He’s the artist for the wheelbarrow lol. Yeah so that is pretty much it.