Who knows what tomorrow’s light will bring. Tears to cry or maybe songs to sing out loud.
Only God can see that far away. He made us for living day by day. He wants us to see that the God that He has been everyday of history, is who He is this day…
This day, all His mercies are new. This day, every promise is true. Father! help me to believe. Give me faith that I need to know You and trust You this day.
song by Stephen Curtis Chapman – This Day
My name is Ohemaa-Yaa, and I have been saved (a christian) since I was seven (7).
I’ve lived my lifetime of Faith. Sometimes fire, sometimes smoke, sometimes a dying ember
Sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes neither
I am in love with Jesus,
…Sometimes, I am not so sure.
I’ve questioned myself, I’ve questioned others, I’ve questioned Him.
I’ve doubted myself, I’ve doubted others, I’ve doubted Him.
I’ve loved God’s word, ignored His word, listened to His word, shared His word, held back His word.
I have not always walked the narrow path. I have not always stayed in the safety of the fence.
I have been a hypocrite, a pharisee, judgmental; I have cast some stones. I have been bruised in return.
I have experienced His discipline, His mercy, His grace, His love, His forgiveness.
I have received His Spirit, His righteousness, His gifts, His fruits, His blessings, His abundance.
I have felt His peace, His joy, His comfort, His brooding.
I testify of His hand at work in me, to do of His good will and pleasure.
I share with you my journey with the King, not because it is perfect by me but perfect in Him amidst my flaws.
For every day, His sparks a New Awakening In Me.
The idea of a blog started started straight out of university a few years ago as “Spirit Nuggets”. I believed the Lord has a word to share with the world through me. I wondered how I would share this word. I didn’t have a pulpit, I wasn’t the best writer and I was scared. I started the blog and soon abandoned the project. Now five years down the line, He has called me back to the abandoned project. I believe it is mercy and grace at work. And I am grateful for the second chance to right my wrong. I’M STILL NOT THE BEST WRITER and I’M STILL A LITTLE SCARED yet, like Jonah, I WILL SHARE HIS WORD and trust not to flee to Tarsus anymore (read the book of Jonah in the Bible for ref.)