♪ ♪ Saying I love you is not the words I want to hear from you. It’s not that I want you not to say but, if you only knew how easy it will be to show me how you feel.

More than words is all you have to do to make it real

Then you wouldn’t have to say that you love me, because I would already know. ♪

song by Extreme – More than Words

Growing up, I had a favorite song; ‘More than words’. I don’t think I completely understood the words of this song as a little girl, but there was something about it that drew me in. Now as an adult I fully appreciate the depth of it. Consider the number of times you have said, “I love you.” to somebody and the number of times somebody has told you, “I love you.”

Contrary to popular belief, saying, “I love you” is easy. It is a bunch of words, so simple to say. Were it dependent on the number of times we say, “I love you” alone, there would be so much love in the world. But no. That is not the case.

The Bible answers the why for us in this statement in 1 John 3:18; “Little children, do not love in words and speech but in deed and truth.” (paraphrased)

How do we measure our love? Is it by our actions or by our effusive vocabulary?

Corinthians 13 measures love not by words, not by feelings, but by actions. if we would be patient, kind, not irritable. If we would bear with our brethren, believe in each other and have the greatest hope for each other, you know what? we will not fail. Because love which reveals itself in action, never fails.

Unbelievers have discovered that, “♫♪ more than words is what you have to do to make [your love] real. ♪ Then you wouldn’t have to say that you love [someone] cause [they] would already know♫” [by your actions]

Let us not love only in words but more so, in deeds. Christ our perfect love showed us His love not by staying in heaven and shouting down to earth, “I love you! oh ye living creatures on earth! with all My heart I do!”

No. He came down from His place of glory, and died a miserable death at the hands of His “love interest” to save His “love interest” because He knew without a doubt that by this, His love is truly demonstrated to us. By so doing, His love is the greatest love of all. You too can love like Jesus did. By laying down your life for your brethren. And trust the Holy Ghost, you cannot do this on your own! You need the One who did it best to show you. 

I agree with Whitney Houston in the context of the Christian faith that the greatest love of all is not only happening to us in the person of Jesus but it is also found on the inside of us by His Spirit in our hearts. I hope Whitney understood this.

Let us give to that brother or sister in need, let us  speak a word of encouragement, let us mourn and laugh with our brethren. Let your brother, let your sister experience Jesus’ love through you. Not because he deserves it, but because you have it to give. Love is not meant to be kept but to be given. Love is not passive but active. Love is not said but done.

Love beyond Words

2 Replies to “More Than Words (As beautiful as “saying” can be, “doing” seals the deal)”

  1. Love beyond words indeed! The part about Jesus shouting” I love you! Oh ye living creatures on earth! with all my heart I do!” got me bowling over with laughter. I considered this and realized I would have been a total mess if he had done that. Thanks for sharing

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