Now my heart’s desire is to know You more
To be found in You and known as Yours
To possess by faith what I could not earn
All-surpassing gift of righteousness

Knowing You, Jesus. Knowing You. There is no greater thing

You’re my all, You’re the best. You’re my joy, my righteousness

And I love You, Lord

 Knowing You Jesus – Graham Kendrick

God is inspiring. He inspires me everyday. Every morning, He has a word for me that tells me the right way to go; either to the left or to the right.

In my previous post, I shared a story about an athlete who received a revelation from spending time with God in the morning, and how it helped him to make a winning choice later in the day. Starting our day with God cannot be overemphasized.

This Morning

So this morning, I read an interesting piece during my devotion. The writer likened the process of seeking God to diving into the sea. He stated that in doing so, one is privileged to see and experience all the beauty hidden within this world. I was fascinated by this. I agreed with him that indeed seeking God is like diving into the ocean’s deep. I thought further about how I can have a knowing of what is in the ocean’s deep and a knowing of what is in the ocean’s deep. Take note of the different intonations I’ve used in the previous statement. Lol. I’m writing right? Don’t mind me. Writing has it’s limitations. I’ll explain what I mean soon.

For example, when the National Geographic, organizes an expedition to the sea, or the artic, or the rainforest or the desert, or the jungle, or some unknown place, they return to my television screen, YouTube or similar medium showing and telling me all the wonderful creatures they’ve seen. Multicolored birds, hammer-looking fish, anaconda snakes, Comodo dragons, great eagles and all the wonderful animals of the world. They are beautiful (well not all of them). And by these expeditions, I get to know about those animals. They testify of what they’ve seen and I watch their journeys. I accept all that they show to me as reality.

Now, if someone askes me if these things exist and where they do, I would say, “yes, they exist here and there…”. After all, I saw it on my television. I mean National Geographic said so. Nonetheless, if I am probed a little further, there may be a little doubt. My confidence may falter. Why? The answer is simple. I was not there with them. I was not in the deep sea or thick jungle. I was not on the high mountain or the cold artic. I did not have the personal experience. All I know is what they said. Their experience. I would never be entirely sure. A ‘what-if’ will probably linger in the background continually.

However, if I go to all those places. If I dive into the deep sea and weather the thick jungles and see all the lovely animals. Ask me of them. I would be absolutely convinced of what I tell you. I would describe the vibrant colors of the creatures. Their mannerisms. Their sounds. Their beauty. Their fierceness. All I see. Because, I would have been to those places myself, discovered, and experienced it. It would be real. This “knowing” would be a knowing I am sure of through revelation. And such it is with a relationship with God.

People have had their experiences and testimonies of God, and they can share them with us to encourage us. To introduce God to us. They can share their revelations with us. They can be witnesses. This is a great thing. But! if I want the enduring faith, the immovable, unshakable faith, the steadfast and sure kind of faith, that faith only comes from personal revelation. Personal experiences. Personal fellowship. Personal encounters. Getting personal with God.  That is when we hear Him. See Him. Experience Him. Know Him.

Then, you can stand in confidence no matter how life tries to question your knowledge of Him with its tough antics. It’s difficult challenges. It’s hard trials and temptations. It is good to encourage each other with our experiences. But those are not to make us reliant on each other but rather, ginger us to go on our own personal journeys with God to be totally reliant on and confident in Him.

Remember, Jesus said, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8. You must experience it. No one can do it for you. It is an open invitation to you and I to get personal with exploring the riches and wonders of God’s nature (Romans 11:33).

Dearly Beloved

There is a knowing and a knowing. Which knowing do you know. When you seek God, you will be found by Him. When you seek with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). God desires to have a close relationship with us. He desires to reveal the depths of Himself to us. You must be ready to dive into the deep ocean. Venture into the thick jungle. Hike the depths of snow. Travel the deserts lands. You must go and know His wonder for yourself.

A classic. Be blessed.

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